Shella Radio (as an idea) was born in 2023 from a belief that Prague deserves an online platform that both highlights and matches the quality of the artistic and cultural output of the city's underground scenes.

We're able to work thanks to a small team of people from all sorts of backgrounds - web design, graphic design, illustration, music curation, political activism, community organization, and more. Our primary goal is to create an online space that can host a program as diverse as our influences and backgrounds.

As social media platforms have become an increasingly more important part of being an artist, we see it as our responsibility to provide an opportunity for long-form content to exist in a space that is nurtured with the same amount of love and care that the artists that we host put into their work.

We are an open platform in every sense of the word - open about how we operate, open to feedback, and open to new ideas and perspectives. While we're not taking show applications yet, you can reach us at if you have any questions or ideas.

shella fellas